Guided Impact Foundation
Fundraising is the backbone of any nonprofit organization.
Money does not solve all problems. Nonprofit leaders can often be distracted from their primary duties because they feel obligated to take on other tasks in order to maintain their budget.
The Guided Impact Foundation Solution:
Donors can contribute financially, of course, but through the Foundation they can also offer tools for empowerment, encouragement, and accountability.
For example, an organization may not have the funds to spend $10,000 on event planning or $5,000 on a video. But that event or that video are crucial tools for finding new supporters or increasing their funding for the following year.
The Guided Impact Foundation grants funds to pay for part of these services so nonprofits can maintain their budget and continue to focus on their programs. We do not want our nonprofit leaders spending precious hours wrestling with the logistics of event planning when we have the tools to help.
The foundation is fully funded by generous donors who believe in Guided Impact’s mission and trust us to properly vet and keep the nonprofit organizations that receive our grants accountable.
The National Center on Charitable Statistics recently revealed that approximately 30% of nonprofits fail to exist after 10 years. Similarly, Forbes found that more than half of all nonprofit organizations fail or stall within a few years because of failures in leadership and strategic planning.
Given these sad statistics, and Guided Impact’s ability to help nonprofit organizations succeed, we ask you to consider giving annually to the Guided Impact Foundation.
Your gift will enable us to continue giving grants and partnering with nonprofits. Your gifts to the Guided Impact Foundation are investments into our community nonprofits - investments that help organizations achieve sustainability.

Grant Request
We want to partner with you to fund the success of your mission.
Criteria for Receiving GIF Grants:
Christian Nonprofits must be Christ-centered
Organizations must have an annual budget of less than $1 Million
Organizations must demonstrate a need for a particular tool or service provided by Guided Impact